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External stories on biodesix

Posts by: James Ikeda

Clinical Lab Products: Test Predicts Primary Resistance to Anti-PD-1 Immunotherapy against Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer

Test Predicts Primary Resistance to Anti-PD-1 Immunotherapy against Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer.

DDNews: VeriStrat Proves Its Prognostic Capabilities

Dr. Skibo discusses how ddPCR-based liquid biopsy could be the solution to treatment delays due to receiving genetic information late

Clinical Lab Products: BDX-XL2 | Biodesix

The BDX-XL2 test has shown early promise in ruling out cancer through blood samples.

New Study: VeriStrat | Biodesix

A 1,048-patient study published in the Oncologist demonstrated the prognostic value of the VeriStrat test in patients with non-small cell lung cancer.

Circulating DNA — Utility and Challenges in NSCLC | Biodesix

Methods for measuring ctDNA, circulating tumour RNA (ctRNA), and circulating proteomic signatures from the blood are non-invasive and provide diagnostic information.

Clinical Lab Products: Predicting the Effectiveness of Anti-PD-L1 Therapy

In the study, ddPCR detected PD-L1 mRNAs with a dynamic range of 32–138 copies from plasma. If validated, such a test could offer additional information to physicians.

Overcoming Immune Blockade in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer | Biodesix

Promising initial findings demonstrate the technical feasibility of the PD-L1 circulating blood test.

Clinical Pulmonary Medicine: The Liquid Biopsy | Biodesix

Can prognostic testing improve care for lung cancer patients and help physicians meet OCM quality measures? Dr. Ray Page discusses the topic.

The Pathologist: Has Tumor Profiling Caught Up to Cancer?

Dr. Skibo discusses how ddPCR-based liquid biopsy could become an indispensable method for doctors to categorize a patient’s disease.

Global Engage: The Future of Droplet Digital PCR

Article from Global Engage, interviewing Dr. Gary Pestano and Dr. Hestia Mellert about the future of droplet digital PCR.

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