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Multi-Institutional Data Supporting Clinical Use of Biodesix’ Blood-Based Tests Presented Today at IASLC Conference

Multi-Institutional Data Supporting Clinical Use of Biodesix’ Blood-Based Tests Presented Today at IASLC Conference

Shortening Time to Treatment; Providing Individualized and Optimal Treatment in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer With Liquid Biopsies

Two independent studies verifying the clinical utility of the GeneStrat™ blood-based biopsy and the Biodesix Lung Reflex™ testing strategy for molecular testing of patients with non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) will be presented today at the IASLC Multidisciplinary Symposium in Thoracic Oncology hosted by the International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer.

Across five multidisciplinary thoracic oncology programs, GeneStrat™ and VeriStrat® testing showed faster time to results compared to tissue-based testing. A retrospective analysis of commercial tests evaluated the amount of time to availability of results between Biodesix’ blood-based test compared to standard tissue testing.  The average time to biomarker results was just 32.96 hours (n=179 tests), compared to a median 12 days using tissue-based testing (range 1-54 days).  Rapid results from the blood-based Biodesix Lung Reflex strategy offered earlier in the continuum of care can help patients receive appropriate treatment faster. The study concludes, “By ordering blood based molecular testing as early as diagnosis, pulmonologists can use the results to personalize procedural decisions as well as ensure that patients are referred on to the medical oncologist with molecular results in-hand for more rapid treatment decisions.”

A second, prospectively collected dataset demonstrates individualized, optimized treatment for one out of five NSCLC patients using the GeneStrat test without the need for repeat tissue biopsies. Blood samples from 62 patients were prospectively collected for GeneStrat testing (EGFR, EML4-ALK, KRAS, and BRAF mutations) at either the time of their diagnostic bronchoscopy or at their first consultation interaction.  Actionable mutations were identified in 12 of the 62 patients within 72 hours.

Both posters will be available on September 27 at https://www.biodesix.com/research-posters. For more details about the IASLC Multidisciplinary Symposium in Thoracic Oncology hosted by the International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer, please visit www.iaslc.org.

Presentation Details:

Date and Time: Friday, September 23, 2016 at 5:05pm – 6:30pm

Title: Shortening time from diagnosis to treatment in NSCLC: Are blood-based biopsies the answer?

Poster Number/Location: #143/ Poster Area #3

Session: Pulmonary

Authors: Mark Bowling; Jennifer Mattingley; Krish Bhadra; Michael Pritchett; Scott Skibo; Paul R. Walker

Institution/s: East Carolina University, Greenville, NC; Gundersen Lutheran, La Crosse, WI; Lung Care Associates, Chattanooga, TN; Pinehurst Medical Clinic, Pinehurse, NC; 21st Century Oncology/Pulmonary Specialist, Clyde, NC; Brody School of Medicine at East Carolina University, Greenville, NC

Date and Time: Friday, September 23, 2016 at 5:05pm – 6:30pm

Title: Blood-Based Mutation Testing in Non-small Cell Lung Carcinoma Patients Supports Individualized and Optimal Treatment

Poster Number/Location: #80/ Poster Area 4

Session: Pathology/Basic Science

Authors: Paul R. Walker, Mark Bowling, Sulochana Cherukuri, Nitika Sharma, Geoff Stroud, Cindy Cherry, Jessica Hardin, Teresa Parent

Institution/s: Leo Jenkins Cancer Center, Greenville, NC/United States of America.

For more information about the Biodesix Lung Reflex testing strategy, please visit https://www.biodesix.com/biodesix-lung-reflex/.

About Biodesix
Biodesix® is a molecular diagnostics company advancing the development of innovative blood tests in oncology to enable precision medicine. Biodesix discovers, develops and commercializes multivariate protein and genomic diagnostic blood tests, including the GeneStrat™ and VeriStrat® tests, that deliver results within 72 hours. The company is changing the standard of care by providing physicians with diagnostic tests for better therapeutic guidance, more accurate prognosis and enhanced disease monitoring to improve patient outcomes. At the forefront of precision medicine, Biodesix is developing new blood tests to identify patients who may benefit from immunotherapies. In addition to developing novel diagnostics independently, the company partners with biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies to develop companion diagnostics for use with therapeutic agents.

Topics: Data supports VeriStrat, Press Releases, VeriStrat data